Log Messages

Level (7)
Channel (3)
Time Message
deprecation Deprecated: Constant NumberFormatter::TYPE_CURRENCY is deprecated
error Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET"" at /var/www/esanteFull/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/RouterListener.php line 130
info Connecting with parameters
  "url" => "<redacted>"
  "driver" => "pdo_mysql"
  "host" => ""
  "port" => 3306
  "user" => "root"
  "password" => "<redacted>"
  "driverOptions" => []
  "defaultTableOptions" => []
  "dbname" => "esante"
  "serverVersion" => "8.0"
  "charset" => "utf8mb4"

There are no log messages.

Container Compilation Logs (0)

Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.

There are no compiler log messages.